tirsdag den 27. april 2021

How to inspire resilience?

One of many ways is to dig into your family history.

Here are some examples from my own.

See & download the English version (27 pages text & photos, pdf):  


Hvor man kan finde inspiration til ukuelighed?

Det kan man i enhver families slægtshistorie.

Her er nogle eksempler fra min egen.

Klik, se & download den danske version (27 sider tekst & fotos, pdf)



Teach GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Newsletter no. 41

Everyone, who is engaged in developing global citizenship, is welcome to receive these thematic introductions & curated learning possibilities. 

April 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark

Egon Hedegaard

Thanks goes to Lone Birgitte Christensen and Glenn Schweitzer for editing.

Links to all blog posts: click 

Der er brug for medborgerskabs-engagement i FN´s verdensmål 

1 kommentar:

  1. I got this response from my relative John in Australia:

    “ Thank you so much for sending through your family account and for so beautifully integrating the circular nature of life in our meeting and closing a family loop that started all those years ago with the brave decision of Jen Aller to hop on a ship to Australia.  One of my cousins is very keen on this family history and I will be sure to pass it on.


    I look forward to when we can again enjoy some bread and wine together - or perhaps you might consider coming to Australia and see for yourself the 7m of clay soil that nurtured your emigrant family all those years ago!!  They certainly  were a resilient generation.



Thank you for reading my 50 blog posts over the past 12 years (or some of them)

    This post will be the last one on this blog  Teach GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP .    I stop my professional educational activities now. At 74, I a...